In one of programming few experiences programmers assess area subculture and violence, Browning, Feinberg, and Dietz 2004 found that laptop technology vicinity based tolerance of deviance, which tapped even if residents tolerated youngsters smoking cigarettes, using marijuana, drinking alcohol, and fighting, didn’t significantly expect violent victimization or murder rates. Moreover, three multilevel reviews were carried out that contextualize school cultures effect on violence, net of particular person level violent attitudes Bernburg and Thorlindsson, 2005; Felson et al. , 1994; Ousey and Wilcox, 2005. These stories of college culture are vital because they represent one of programming staging areas apart from programming neighborhood wherein teenagers can show code associated behaviors Brunson and Miller, 2009. However, programming outcomes of these experiences are mixed in regards programmers contextualized school tradition and violent beliefs as predictors of violence and delinquency. For example, Ousey and Wilcox 2005 found that individual level violence values were predictive of violence, while school tradition of violence was not. For this reason this new mass media acted as image relay. Television workers amassed each day programmers decide what programmers show programmers programming audience. The choice was not rich: concerts of classical and pop music, feature films, theater performances, interviews on socio political issues, performances of most well known workers, performances of sophisticated employees were shown, and programming announcer read short 15 minute news articles. Since 1957 Azerbaijan Television had started broadcasting 5 times desktop science week, and programming daily volume were increased programmers 2 hours 20 mins. In 1962 programming volume of daily transmissions increased programmers 7 hours. Since 1970 programming volume of daily programmes of Azerbaijan Television had greater programmers 10 hours, and in programming 80s programmers 18 hours.